While this is not usually

While this is not usually



  Beauty - Is It Physical Appearances or Self-Esteem? (236 views)

30 May 2023 19:43

Beauty is a universal concept that is hard to define, but is understood by all. In many societies, physical beauty is seen to have acceptable norms though some of these norms differ between cultures. We may have a hard time to explain when we are asked what is beautiful to us. However, if we were to point out a beautiful woman in a group, men and women do it easily and naturally. As the saying goes, when it comes to great beauty, we will know it when we see it.

Not everyone admires beauty the same way though. Beauty is a subjective experience. It involves the individual's feeling of attraction and emotional well-being. We often here the saying; "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". However, as society imposes its general expectation on women's beauty, beauty evolves into a common expectation and a standard comparison between women.

So what is a "standard" definition of beauty then? My best guess is, if we were to talk about women, it is the physical qualities that she possesses. It is the ability of the woman to give out intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the viewer's senses. The admirer's positive feeling of pleasure or goodness is usually derived from the woman's body shape, clothes that she wears or how attractive her facial features are, amongst others.

However, beauty can also be about the woman's personality. It is about having compassion for and helping others, a shoulder to cry on, respecting others, respecting herself, project kindness to human and animals alike, loving others and of course, loving herself. This is described as inner beauty which comes about from having the right dose of self-confidence and a healthy self-esteem.

While this is not usually the first thing that comes to our mind when we talk about beauty, inner beauty plays just as an important role in how beautiful a person appears to be. Maybe more so than outer beauty does.

Inner beauty is not something that unattractive people say to our self to feel better. Inner beauty can be just as, if not more captivating as the external appearance can be.

While this is not usually

While this is not usually



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